download full program (to be added in September)
Preliminary program for EEA2025 (all times are in CET):
Tomorrow’s World; The next chapter in Elasmobranch science and conservation.
Day 1- October 29th, 2025:
- 08:00 Registration opens
- 09:00 Opening address
- 09:20 Panel 1: Studying North Sea sharks and rays
- 10:00 Session 1
- 10.45 Coffee Break
- 11:15 Session 1 (part 2)
- 12:45 Poster pitches
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Panel 2: Looking back to look forward
- 14: 40 Session 2
- 15: 45 Tea break
- 16:15 Session 2 (part 2)
- 17:45 Poster pitches
- 18.00 End Day 1
18:15 – 20:30 Icebreaker reception (Blijdorp Zoo)
Day 2- October 30th, 2025:
- 8.30 Coffee
- 09:00 Panel 3: Nature inclusive marine activities
- 10:00 Session 3:
- 10.45 Coffee Break
- 11:15 Session 3 (part 2)
- 12:45 Poster pitches
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Panel 4: Unintended consequences
- 14: 40 Session 4: policy
- 15: 45 Tea break
- 16:15 Breakout Sessions
- 17.45 End Day 2
19.00 Conference dinner and Auction
Day 3- October 31st 2025:
- 08.30 Coffee
- 09:00 Feedback breakout sessions
- 09:20 Panel 5: roles of aquaria, citizen science, etc
- 10:00 Session 5:
- 10.45 Coffee Break
- 11:15 Session 5 (part 2)
- 13.00 Closing address
- 13.15 End of conference, lunch served
Download full speaker schedule
Registration for the conference will be opened in April