Hotel information

To be added


As we are trying to restrict the carbon budget of our conference we would ask you to travel over land (by rail or car) if that it a possibility for you. Rotterdam has an international train station that is easily reachable from all over Europe.

Traveling to Rotterdam from Schiphol Airport by train:

For up to date train times and pre-purchase a ticket go to the national rail website:

Getting to the conference venue:

To be added

By foot:

By bus:


By car: 


By bike:



The weather in the Netherlands in notorious for being consistently inconsistent at any time during the year and October is no exception. The day can start out sunny, only to quickly give way to showers and occasional gusty storms. On average you can expect lots of grey days, some sunny days, and some rain. Guidebooks and websites can not seem to agree whether or not October is the wettest month, but you’ll want to use an umbrella on a regular basis.

Nearby attractions